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Enjoy the WIED family album, a dynasty with many royal connections and even a kingdom of their own for a while ... Enjoy the Pursuit of Pleasure - The Hanover Kings and their mistresses, SIgismund and Charlotte Agnes - royalty in Costa Rica, Marie-Louise of Bulgaria part II, Losing Ludwig and Christian zu Schaumburg-Lippe. And more ..
  • Approximately: 11 USD
  • Approximately: 10 €
  • Approximately: 9 £



64 pages 137 illustrations

Articles in this issue:

A Life Without Tenderness
Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon-Parma II
by Olivier Defrance

Sigismund and Charlotte Agnes of Prussia
From Palace to Nature
by Martijn Aarts

Losing Ludwig
by Elizabeth Jane Timms

The Princely House zu Wied
A Family Album
by Bearn Bilker

LKR: Prince Christian of Schaumburg-Lippe
by Coryne Hall

The Pursuit of Pleasure - the Georgian Mistresses
by Stephen Bunford

World Wide Web of Royalty    


Sigismund and Charlotte Agnes with daughter Barbara, Hemmelmark, 14 August 1922

The Wied/Württemberg wedding in Stuttgart 29 October 1898 between Friedrich zu Wied and Pauline von Württemberg [Full key in magazine]

Postcard published in memory of Marie Louise of Bulgaria. (Private collection)
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